Sunday, May 27, 2007

Untouched Takeaway

I've been a Nick Lowe fan for as long as I have had a radio, and a superfan for a good 20 years now - a designation that places me with dozens of others. So now the first in a series of Nick Lowe posts. Your life is about to get a lot richer.

Of all of the horrible injustices in the "music biz", the inexplicable ignorance of Lowe must be one of the most cruel, and not in the "to be kind" way. He's classic, with a load of goodies, and yet gets none of what he deserves. (Every time you turn around Costello is getting credit somewhere for "Peace, Love, and Understanding" - maddening!)

Anyway, here we go again, as Nick releases "At My Age" on June 26. This is his first album release since 2001 ( 9/11/2001 to be exact - damn). It seems he's in a good state these days, but only he could turn his bliss on its head:

Trusting you'll pick up the new one on Tuesday, let's go back in time. I could post dozens without scratching the surface, but I'll start with the most recent and work back. From 2001:

If you claim to have ever heard a better description of a more desolate and depressed scene, in only three minutes, your lying:

Lately, I've Let Things Slide

With a growing sense of dread
and a hammer in my head
fully clothed upon the bed
I wake up to the world
That lately I've been living in

There's a cut upon my brow
Must have banged myself somehow
But I can't remember now
And the front doors open wide
Lately I've let things slide

Heartbroken, desperate, pleading for mercy from ...

Cupid Must Be Angry

I know I've had it coming cause I've blown his every plan

And check how the muted trumpet comes in. Fantastic.